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Exploring Multi-Head Self-Attention in Transformer Architecture

Multi-Head Self-Attention is a crucial component of the transformer architecture, enabling models to capture intricate relationships within the input data. This blog post delves into the mechanics of Multi-Head Self-Attention, its advantages, and its role in enhancing the performance of transformers.

What is Self-Attention?

Self-Attention, also known as intra-attention, is a mechanism that allows a model to weigh the importance of different parts of the input sequence when encoding a particular token. It computes a weighted sum of the input representations, enabling the model to focus on relevant parts of the sequence.

The Concept of Multi-Head Self-Attention

Multi-Head Self-Attention extends the idea of self-attention by using multiple attention heads. Each head independently performs self-attention, and their outputs are concatenated and linearly transformed to produce the final representation. This allows the model to capture different aspects of the input sequence simultaneously.

Key Components of Multi-Head Self-Attention

  1. Query, Key, and Value Vectors:

    • The input embeddings are linearly transformed into three sets of vectors: Queries (Q), Keys (K), and Values (V).

    • These vectors are used to compute attention scores and weighted sums.

  2. Scaled Dot-Product Attention:

    • Computes attention scores by taking the dot product of the query and key vectors.

    • The scores are scaled by the square root of the dimension of the key vectors to prevent large values.

    • Softmax is applied to obtain attention weights, which are used to compute a weighted sum of the value vectors.

  3. Multiple Attention Heads:

    • Multiple sets of Q, K, and V vectors are created, each corresponding to a different attention head.

    • Each head performs scaled dot-product attention independently.

    • The outputs of all heads are concatenated and linearly transformed to produce the final representation.

How Multi-Head Self-Attention Works?

  1. Input Representation:

    • The input sequence is tokenized and converted into embeddings.

    • Positional encodings are added to retain the order of tokens.

  2. Linear Transformations:

    • The input embeddings are linearly transformed into Q, K, and V vectors for each attention head.

  3. Attention Calculation:

    • Each attention head independently computes attention scores and weighted sums using scaled dot-product attention.

    • The outputs of all heads are concatenated and linearly transformed.

  4. Output Generation:

    • The final representation is passed through feed-forward neural networks and other layers in the transformer.

Advantages of Multi-Head Self-Attention

  • Parallelization: Multiple attention heads allow the model to process different parts of the input sequence simultaneously, improving efficiency.

  • Diverse Representations: Each attention head captures different aspects of the input, enabling the model to learn richer and more diverse representations.

  • Long-Range Dependencies: Self-attention allows the model to capture relationships between distant tokens, enhancing performance on tasks requiring context.

Applications in Transformers

Multi-Head Self-Attention is a fundamental component of transformers, enabling them to excel at various NLP tasks, including:

  • Text Generation: Generating coherent and contextually relevant text.

  • Text Classification: Classifying text into predefined categories.

  • Machine Translation: Translating text between different languages with high fluency.


Multi-Head Self-Attention is a powerful mechanism that enhances the performance of transformers by capturing diverse and intricate relationships within the input data. Its ability to process sequences in parallel and capture long-range dependencies makes it a cornerstone of modern NLP models.



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